Daily Prayer Times: 5:30am, 12noon, 6:00pm, 9:00pm
“The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost be with you all. Amen” (2 Corinthians 13:14).

BIBLE PASSAGE: Acts 2:24-47

Last week, we learnt who the Holy Spirit is and His relevance in these last days. Today, we will be sharing together the need for fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit and its indispensability. May the Lord bless us as we study His Word, in Jesus name.


A compulsory mandate
An indispensable Spirit

The Greek word for fellowship is “KOINONIA” which means communion, communication sharing and intimacy. Fellowship is described as a bond of common purpose and devotion. It binds Christians together with one another and with the Trinity. As Christians, fellowship with one another is a compulsory mandate. It brings fulfillment. A mandate is an instruction to do something by a person or group of people to achieve a common purpose.

From this definition then, we see that we are commanded to fellowship together or to be bound together to achieve a common purpose. Fellowship is about building an existing relationship that will grow and be of mutual benefit to the parties involved. Fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit then, is about seeking to know Him; and developing an intimacy with Him. It is not a one way relationship, rather, a sharing of wills, feelings and knowledge. For a believer, this fellowship with the Holy Spirit is not optional but mandatory, especially if such a believer wants to be relevant in the Kingdom of God.

In the place of fellowship, issues are tabled before God and the believer will be comforted, challenges will be stepping stones and ways will be made where there was no way. The Holy Spirit knows and He is willing to share with you the secrets of Heaven, the Father’s heart and the plans of the devil. That means you can be up to date with Heavens secrets (John 16:13b-14, Psalm 25:14, 1 Thessalonians 5:4).

As a believer therefore, it is your responsibility to ensure that this fellowship is cultivated, nurtured and sustained at all cost.


A person is said to be indispensable when you cannot do something without him. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot go far in this Christian race. He was given to us for that purpose; to teach and to remind us of the teachings of Christ; to empower us for various assignments and to guide us into all truth (John 14:26, John 16:13, Acts 1:8).

We cannot do without Him. This indispensability was demonstrated throughout the earthly ministry of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Spirit was the power behind the exploits of His ministry on earth (Matthew 3:16, Acts 10:38). Through the Holy Spirit, we can live a sanctified and consecrated life with the grace to pray through (James 1:5, Acts 27:10, Romans 8:26, Zechariah 4:6, Acts 18:25, John 16:13-14)


Through fellowship, relations are built. Therefore, sustained fellowship brings a sustained relationship between the Indispensible Spirit and the believer which then advances the course of the Kingdom. Be sure to fellowship with the Holy Spirit; let there be an existing mutual relationship between Him and you by creating the time for such union.


Mention four (4) assignments of the Holy Spirit.
Why is fellowshipping with Him compulsory to us as Christians?
List three (3) benefits of fellowshipping with the Holy Spirit.
Yearly Bible Reading Plan: Mark 3-5

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