One Love Brigade
2 hrs ยท
Dear Portia Simpson-Miller,
My friend Jon Liesenfeld, JP to most, spent over a year collecting over 100 bikes, clothes, a wheelchair, drilling supplies and so much more for the people of Jamaica. His intentions are give it all away. To find a man walking miles to work with sore feet and give him a bike. To find children without shoes and give them shoes. He had dreams of seeing kids at an orphanage experience running water for the first time so they wouldn’t have to haul buckets of water several times a day from a local river up a hill to the orphanage. He wanted to give a child, bedridden with cerebral palsy, the freedom and opportunity to join his family outside and experience the Jamaican sun. He wants to bring dishes to a school that doesn’t even have enough plates for each child and then have the biggest ice cream party that island has ever seen.
Do not let his effort go in vain. Do not let these gifts of love sit at a port and benefit no one. Do not deny your people the love of a man that wants nothing in return. I support One Love Brigade and encourage all to do the same.



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We are still stuck in customs but it looks like they may inspect today! Just trying to keep my head up! We went to Pell River Primary School in Hanover Jamaica yesterday and gave 127 children ice cream before the holiday break! It was the most amazing day to see so many children smiling! Thank you everyone for helping us bring joy to the children of Jamaica! The pictures are priceless! It’s all because of you! Bless Up!!!!
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My name is JP Liesenfeld and I have been traveling to Jamaica for the past 22 years now and I have always made it a mission to bring things to give away to people in need. I just returned from Jamaica in December of 2014 and on this trip I brought over 120 pounds of shoe’s and clothing items to give away! It is always so amazing to see someone after you give them something they were never expecting! My good friend Peter live’s in Jamaica and has several children, on this last trip I had the chance to meet them. I was really moved by his son Paul who was riding this older BMX bike and he was having so much fun, his friends would sit and watch him ride by, his little sister Samantha was so excited for him to be riding this bike and I thought to myself, why can’t I bring bike’s to give away to children in Jamaica. I see how much joy this one bike brought to Paul and I know it’s a crazy dream but I plan to bring 100 bike’s to Jamaica to give away. I will have a few set up to go to certain children, but I would really like to go in to Kentucky Mountain and give bike’s away which is not a place a “tourist” would go and several people don’t have running water and live off nothing. I would love to give children the joy of having a bike, it’s something I remember growing up and I know this will be amazing! I plan on getting donated bike’s and doing any and all repairs and then shipping them in a container to Jamaica. I will then get them to the people with the help of local friends. The biggest expense is shipping these bike’s and transporting them from one side of the island to the next and handling and import tax fee’s at the port. I really appreciate any help and I will post the photo’s of me giving these bike’s away and the trip is planned for December 2nd 2015

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