1. I was moved to tears by this old song .
    What pain she must feel.
    Beautiful voice
    I hope they work it out for love sake.
    Mackerel still young and unstable.
    Mom may have made a few mistakes but she is ambitious and she tried.

  2. I support Mackerel mother. But on a serious note, my mother used to try and make me feel guilty for the basic things she did for us and that was very infair and emotionally abusive with how she made us feel obligated and cussed us when she felt like we were not thankful enough. When a child comes into this world it is not by their choice. They didn’t ask to be here and it isbthe parents responsibility to ensure love, and support on all levels. Not taking away from the fact that some children no matter how you treat them behave like some demon. But this unrealistic behavior that we owe our parents for doing their parental duties is nonsense. That is what they signed up for when they procreated.

  3. Well done Sherlette, you may have made mistakes as a mother but nonetheless you are still a woman with dreams and talent and you should be given a chance to fulfill your personal ambitions

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