Your First Step To A Miracle

“He answered and said unto them, Give ye them to eat. And they say unto him, Shall we go and buy two hundred pennyworth of bread, and give them to eat (Mark 6:37) “

The very first step to a miracle is admitting before God that you have an unsolvable problem. But most times we display these three typical responses: We procrastinate, we pass the buck, and we worry.
One, we procrastinate when we have a problem we cannot solve; we just keep putting it off. We delay. We pretend to ourselves the problem doesn’t exist. Just like the disciples, we usually bring the issue to Jesus when it is late in the day even though they had all day to figure out how to feed the 5,000 people. Are you avoiding a problem in your marriage at this moment? What are you procrastinating in your finances? Any health challenges you are putting off addressing? Procrastination only makes problems worse. Two, we pass the buck. We tend to blame other people. If only my husband would be gentle when he speaks to me, we wouldn’t have this problem. Instead of dealing with the problem, the disciples wanted to send the people away. They thought, “Hey, we didn’t invite these people out here. We didn’t promise them food.” So they didn’t take responsibility for the need. Have you ever done that with a problem in your life? The third, we worry about things when we can’t figure it out or it’s taking long to get solution. We get anxious and get stressed out. When Jesus told the disciples to feed the people, their anxiety went into overdrive. Can you imagine Peter doing the cost analysis? “5,000 people! How are we ever going to get enough food? How will we distribute it? Oh! And how do we clean up once they are done?”
You stand next to Jesus: the one who can easily turn stones into bread if He so desires, yet when He tells you to do something, you say, “Lord that’s practically, financially, and humanly impossible”. “Lord, I don’t have the time. I don’t have the money o”. “I don’t have the energy”. I don’t have the education.” God wants you to do the impossible because He wants to stretch your faith. When you have an unsolvable problem, just admit it, and then wait to see how God turns it into a miracle.
1 .I come against every spirit of unbelief, spirit of delay, spirit of procrastination, and spirit of near success syndrome in Jesus Name.
2 .Oh God of Dr. Chris Okafor, bring down every powers that is saying no to my miracle, destroy it in Jesus name.
3 .In the name of Jesus, every strong man or strong woman blocking my glory, destiny, testimony, blessing, die in Jesus Name.

Liberation thought: I can do all things through Jesus Christ that strengthens me.
Further reading: John 5:1-9

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