0 thoughts on “RAVEN KEEP IT

  1. You know what baffled me about Raven and her comment? This woman complaint on the view whenever there’s a topic about Christians not accepting gay rights such as marriage, shes whining about they are discriminating against gays. As a black gay woman, she should not discriminate against anyone.

    I hate when celeb spew sh!t all over the air wave then try to defuse it. Just own it, it is what you feel and meant at the time, and you will feel the same way after the so-called apology. Just own it.

    In all honesty, some blk folks do have some phucked up names. But to discriminate against them is just wrong. Young mother are the culprit when it comes to these damn names that are hard to spell and pronounce. It’s not the children s fault, it’s the parent who gave them such ugly names. Many HR departments do discriminate against “black names”. Think before you name your child folks.

    1. u hit the nail on the head.human resources will NOT hire u if u have a ghetto name or a name that even sounds too black.#FACTS

  2. It’s full time that observers of the media realise that Raven Symone is none too happy with any explicit, overt markers of being “black”. I bet if this chick was straight in her sexual orientation, she would straight up be trying to “pass” and would have found herself a “boule” man who would whisk her away from all “that black stuff”.
    Try kno, it’s only the fact that she carpet munches and many of her kind world wide suffer discrimination that keeps her any type of humble. Give it twenty years when gay discrimination (in the West) is only the preserve of overly religious types, this wretch will be very comfortable in revealing her self hatred.
    Tired of this bad shaped woman. She needs to ask herself why she was the oldest looking guest star on Empire with her granny young self!

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