Prayer against sexual demons [Spirit husband and Wife] 1

SICCUBUS) – In folklore,is a female demon thought to have sexual intercourse with sleeping men and women
Above definitions came from Webster’s Dictionary:
INCUBI – Demonic sexual attacks on females and males by male sexual demons ; may be caused by sexual sins, witchcraft spells, curses of lust, inherited curses, can attack children too. Fornication or adultery every curse and demons from one partner is tranferred to the other, vice versa. Sex is one of the ways demons can easily be transfered. Pornography, Masturbation, Lust. You must be born again to be set free. Standing on the blood of Jesus christ and the word of God Live an Holy life and finally break the soultie between her/him and the spirit husband/spirit wife, command any seed inserted by the spirit husband/spirit wife to come out of her/him, the spirit can always return if you do not destroy the seed, find out if there is any totem in her/his village then break the hold of the totem. Ezek 29:1-3; PS 8:4-8;ISA 27,Pray with Psalm 91 and Luke 10:19 for protection.
Confession: Colossians 2 vs 14; Gal. 3 vs 13 and 14; 2 Cor. 6 vs 14-18; Gal. 6 vs 17; 2 Cor. 5 vs 17
This type of Witchcraft generally will produce the following effects:
1. One person in the relationship is made hateful to the other, or both hateful to each other.
2. When some bodily hinderance keeps a husband and wife apart in different places, or when something or a demon is placed between them by the witch or warlock doing the work.
3. When a “Familiar Spirit” is unloosed, hindering the emission of semen.
4. When a man’s penis becomes flabby whenever he desires to perform the sex act, but only with his mate.
*****Just that one woman*****
5. When the semen is not fertile.
6. When the male sexual organ retracts, and the female genital become narrow or even close up
Other common symptoms could be experiences like: Marital distress/failures,Sexual relationships in dreams,Spousal hatred, Being frequently jilted,Unpardonable sexual error,Wrong sexual decisions,Neglect abandonment by the opposite sex,Demonic dreams,Swimming or seeing a river in the dream,Missing one’s menstrual period in the dream,Pregnancy in the dream,Breast- feeding a baby in the dream,Backing a baby in the dream,Having a family in the dream,Shopping with a man/ woman in the dream,Seeing a man sleeping by one’s side in the dream,Hatred by earthly spouse,Serious gynecological problems,Having a miscarriage after sexual dreams,Dream marriages.
Types of Spirit husbands/wives
1. Resident Spirit Husband and Wife – They make love to you and then they go, but come back every night.
2. Physical Spirit Husband and Wife – They go anywhere you go with you as monitoring spirits and they block favour from reaching you or your spouse. They are jealous of your spouse and seek to harm them.
3. Territorial Spirit Husband and Wife – They are in the area where you live.
4. Hermaphrodite Spirit Husband and Wife – They sleep with both husband and wife.
5. Hidden Spirit Husband and Wife – They do not make love with anybody, but they just go around causing sicknesses and withholding breakthroughs.
6. Masquerading Spirit Husband and Wife – They will use the face of your husband or your wife or someone they know you can’t resist. (That is why it is not good to lust after somebody. They will use the face of that person)
7. Multiple Spirit Husband and Wife – Once one has found its way to you, they go and bring other demon spirits to have sex with you like a gang rape. This brings convulted problems that you cannot even explain.
8. Incestous Spirit Husband and Wife – When you have demonic parents, and they go and marry you spiritually with the aim of tapping into and draining your glory. This happens to children of men and women involved in demonic activities eg Witchcraft, Occult Masonic societies.
9. Transferred Spirit Husband and Wife – This happens when you are using someone’s things like, soap, sponge, clothes, shoes. The spirit is transferred to you by contact with the property of the former victim.
10. Woman Astral Spirit Husband – Use of occultic and astral powers to project to you. Someone will decide somewhere to have spiritual sex with you and they will carry out rituals to do it.
11. Leviathan Spirit Husband and Wife – The most senior in power. It operates thru marine activites and is very stubborn to get rid of.
12. Serpentine Spirit Husband and Wife – It operates through snake spirit and can be very vicious.
13. Imagination Spirit Husband and Wife – You are never sure the sex in the dream occurred. When you wake up you begin to question yourself
14. Animal Spirit Husband and Wife – This spirit huband or wife uses animals to attack thru sex in the dream. Like you are having sex with an animal. Very difficult to resist.
15. Ancestral Spirit Husband and Wife – This is inherited from your parents or ancestors. It is passed down thru the generations and operates like a familial spirit.
16. Bloodline Spirit Husband and Wife – In the bloodline just to frustrate marriages


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