“A merry heart doeth good like a medicine but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” Proverbs 17:22

There is the story of a lady that was diagnosed of breast cancer. There was a lump in her breast, she relaxed her mind and decided to dwell on the word of God. She began to rejoice in the scriptures that say “But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities, the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his strips we are healed.” (Isaiah 53:5) and “…Himself took our infirmities and bare our sicknesses” (Matthew 8:17). She depended on these scriptures and went about her business as if nothing happened. Those who knew of it were amazed and said what’s wrong with this woman? Doesn’t she know what the doctor said? But she didn’t bother. As a matter of fact, she started witnessing to others about the love of Christ. By the time she went back to her doctor for a check-up, no trace of cancer was found. Praise God! A merry heart doeth good like medicine.

It’s important you know whose words you are dwelling on. Is it the word of God or the word of the devil? The heart that dwells wholesomely on the word of God shall be merry. “Thou will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee” (Isaiah 26:3 KJV). On the contrary, the heart that is focused on the lies of the devil shall be broken, sorrowful and discouraged. The choice is yours.

Remember the scripture cannot be broken make up your mind today to focus on the truth and the truth alone. Learn to turn your attention from the symptoms and signs the enemy is flashing across your mind. Choose to rejoice whatever your situation may be and you will see the situation give way to the truth of God. May you rejoice continually.

Liberation Thought: It is my choice to either be happy or sad

Further reading: Psalms 19:7-11, 119:160-165


Every trouble that make me cry in the midnight, tribulations that overwhelmed my heart, I declare your end in the name of Jesus
Every word spoken into my life that is contrary to the word of God, I command by FIRE become empty in Jesus powerful name
Every challenge that overpower my spirit, that makes my head to bow in shame by the anointing of the oracle become empty, become nothing, lose your hold over my life in Jesus name


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