I have come as a light to shine in this dark world, so that all who put their trust in me will no longer remain in the darkness. John 12 :46

Generations of some families have tale after tale of woes to tell about the afflictions they suffer from ancestral and foundational curses in their lives. Some of these afflictions have been accepted and regarded as part of their painful history and lifestyles. Thus you hear people say, “in my family the men die young” or “in my family first daughters are barren”.

It doesn’t have to be so! These afflictions are works of darkness that settle like dark clouds over the lives of these people. The cloud of darkness compels them to live in darkness and stops the light of God from shinning into their lives. Jesus came as the Light into a dark world; He is the Light that shines and the darkness cannot overcome it and whosoever believes in Him should not live in darkness but will experience the light of life.

What is your relationship with Jesus, the Light of the world? Is He is the Light that defines in your life; the choices you make and the path you choose to follow? Living in the Light is not an optional or occasional experience that you only live when you feel like or the need arises. Living in the Light is a lifestyle of commitment, devotion and dedication to Jesus. Jesus is also the Word of God and living according to the precepts of the Word means living for Jesus. Jesus is the son of God who came to destroy the works of the evil one. You don’t have to live in darkness; the tales of afflictions that have trailed the lives of generations in your family do not have to act themselves out in your life. Align your way and will with the word of God, so that His glorious Light will break forth in your life.

Liberation thought: The Light of the World lives in me

Further reading: 1Peter 2: 1 – 6


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